Inspirational Discipline
A few days ago I read an interesting post. I was intrigued by the ideas concerning the need for some to receive external stimulus to make internal changes. Or to put it more plainly, there are "people who need to be spanked." I seem to be one of those people. This is a very personal issue, admitting this to myself, let alone a stranger, is uncomfortable, at best. I am (until recently) a very highly functioning person. The kind of person friends, family, and loved ones come to for support, advice, inspiration and perspiration. The buck stops here. But who stops me? I seem to be stalled in several areas, this produces guilt, but not motivation. Perhaps the motivation I cannot find within myself can somehow be "outsourced." Having to answer to someone outside myself and having set goals and real, physical repercussions if these goals are not met, holds some serious appeal. I also believe the punishment could purge me of any guilt, wiping the slate clean, making it easier to succeed once again. I am an attractive, sane, brunette with 12 extra pounds (goal #1!). Before I give out anymore information, I would like to hear a bit more about you and your motivation as the "Spanker." What would you get out of this exchange?
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